Malaysia’s men and Korea’s women, in Group D of their respective competitions, have roughly similar strengths; and both could, under certain circumstances, trump more fancied opponents. Malaysia’s men are grouped with Japan, England and USA, while Korea’s women are with India, Canada and USA. For both Malaysia and Korea, theRead More →

NM Griffin McConnell earned the national master title on March 19, 2022, at the age of 17, after undergoing four brain surgeries. Despite having seizures since childhood and undergoing several operations—after various medications failed to help—he nevertheless became a chess expert (U.S. national rating: 2000) at age 13, was the best playerRead More →

Caitlin CONNOR and Vincent HANCOCK won the Gold Medal Match. For Caitlin, this is the third Gold medal out of three possible. Silver went to Lucie ANASTASSIOU and Nicolas LEJEUNE from France. Bronze medals were won by Italians Diana BACOSI and Gabriele ROSSETTI, Emily Jane HIBBS and Karl Frederick KILLANDER fromRead More →

Quand vous améliorer engagement à rencontres en ligne besoin qu’il soit efficace disponible. Tout le monde va sur un en ligne site de rencontres pour différents facteurs, dans la fin chacun d’eux vouloir découvrir une sorte de plaisir. Quand vous êtes dans une situation où vous pas sûr ce quiRead More →